
The 5th Summer School on Argumentation: Explainability Perspective (SSA 2022) will take place from 8th to 11th of September 2022 at Cardiff University in Wales, United Kingdom. The school is co-located with the 9th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2022).

It is the fifth event in the series of Summer Schools on Argumentation. The first Summer School on Argumentation took place at the University of Dundee in 2014 in the UK, the second took place at the University of Postdam in 2016 in Germany, the third at the Warsaw University of Technology in Poland, and the fourth was organized by the University of Perugia in Italy in 2020 over Zoom.

The main aim of SSA 2022 is to provide attendees with a solid foundation in the basics argumentation and in the different ways the issue of explainability can be approached. The school welcomes both students and researchers in different fields not limited to argumentation, including e.g. non-monotonic reasoning, knowledge representation, logic programming, linguistics, natural language processing, philosophy and psychology, just to mention a few of them.

The program will include courses, keynotes, and the student program co-organized by OHAAI. Participants in the student program have to submit a 2-4 pages long abstracts before the school and will have the opportunity to present their work.


For questions and comments to the organizers please send an email to COMMA 2022 local committee or to Sylwia Polberg.